Originally Posted by Monkeyman
Coonman, I like ya...I'm even sure that given the chance we would enjoy a cup a joe and a racoon fajita together...but...Randy did spend some time in Nor Cal. And even though I am in the frozen north, I spent many years of my life in the same area...and trust me bro...there is some truth to what he speaks. I know firsthand junk...I would never spread it here. Does it make these men bad in my eyes, no, I can't see past all the junk in my own eye, yet, politics has happened, just accept that...cool? Cool!
Have a Merry Christmas bro, been praying for ya...
It doesn't make them bad in my eyes either...but unless Coonskinner spends some time there he wouldn't understand...
It's the land of Giants... it is completely different than the plains of Kansas...many folks want to identify with them but unless they have been there, done that...they just won't understand...
But as was stated....we're all just cuckoo...and inane....