Originally Posted by pelathais
Again, it's a technicality... but consider:
UPC men are being prosyletized to participate in the Tulsa Summit. Presently, it appears to have a mechanism in place where a UPCI preacher would not have to leave the UPC but could still be a part of the "fellowship."
However a full blown organization is in the works with it's own Bible Quizzing program, youth ministries, Foreign and Home missions...
... and notice that they've chosen the nomenclature that I would have chosen - instead of calling brethren outside of North America "foreign", they're in "World Missions" territory.
Anyway, whenever they approach a UPC'er to "fellowship," they are quite obviously intent upon growing their own org. That's prosyletizing.
And I know of one minister who was proselytized and specifically asked not to tell his direct leadership about the conversation.... why the intrigue and "hush-hush" if it's all on the up and up????