Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
Ok Thad... apparently you arent the big Santa around your place so let me tell you what I have thought... I would actually wrap a couple pieces of each item.... Like the strap for the guitar... a weight.... a trampoline cover.... at my house.. with a note saying you have to go to papa's for the rest... then another piece of each there with notes saying go to the garage etc..??? Sound easier than wrapping the whole deal? My brain is fried from doing all of my dads and grandmas late Christmas cards and then shopping and then trying to plan everyone elses stuff... I dont know if I am even here...LOL
Ok now we can get back on topic. I think I have successfully made myself nuttier yet solved my own problem!
I think that's a good Idea BUT i thinks it's funner to unwarp huge gifts- the whole package . how much is your dad spending on his Christmas budget this year? and what are they getting HIM?