Originally Posted by Walk and Talk
Thanks for praying. Our God hears and answers prayer. I'm so glad He isn't a dumb idol or demon spirit, as so many in this world trust in.
To answer your question: The VA is a long drive away. It is not easy for me to get there. The VA has been a God-send for me. I am so thankful for them being there.
To make an appointment to see a doctor at the VA is to set a date 6 weeks into the future. Each appointment needs to be on one problem and not several at a time. This months Seattle VA Hospital appointment, with the Orthopedic Surgeon, for my leg is an appointment made about a year ago. This is the earliest I could get in to see them. The appointment this month with the Seattle VA Hospital's ENT Surgeon is also an appointment scheduled almost a year ago. They are so backed up, you are fit in according to the urgency of your condition.
As a side note, since the Army and VA hospitals are in the news lately: I must say the Spokane VA Hospital is the best hospital (civilian or otherwise) I've ever been in (6 in the last three years). It is like going to a four-star motel. The Seattle VA Hospital and the Seattle Harborview Hospital are another story that wisdom and discretion dictates my biting my tongue about.
I can't complain too much as I am blessed they all have been there to help me (and my wife). Things could have been MUCH worse.
I understand your frustration. There also aren't enough VA hospitals to go around. In my state, I think there are only two. Both are more than two hours from me.
As a nurse, you have me worried.