Originally Posted by philjones
I am very good friends with the Wheatleys and with Lonnie Weidner and his wife (Bro. Wheatley's daughter). I have many many friends who attend the Ball church. The majority used to attend Sanctuary of Praise but have migrated to Ball. The uncle wouldn't have a last name that sounds like the leader of Cuba and have a daughter named Anita and another named Retha would he?
Well, I don't have any idea who you are talking about, but I am laughing anyways!! No, my uncle's last name rhymes with pickles, and he has been known to line the windows of his house with tin foil when his meds are off!!
Sis. Weidner and I were buddies as teenagers!!! Well, long distant ones. The other friends that I mentioned pastored on the other side of Alexandria are her close relatives, you probably know who I am referring to. They were our music ministers while they were in CA.