Gotta Question About Women Voters
I was talking to a woman a while back and she had some comments that kind of threw me and I thought I would put this out there for discussion.
We were discussing the presidential election coming up and the possible considerations. She told me that she would only vote for the same one her husband voted for. That he was the leader of the family and the it was his responsibility to find out the best possible candidate and to lead them in the one to vote for. She said she had always voted the same in any election as her husband and that she felt it was God's design to have the woman follow in the leadership of the man.
I found this incredible, at first it almost made sense but then I said, huh? Does God really expect us ladies to not have a mind of our own and vote only for the candidates our husbands choose? And then I was wondering if a little of the worldly feminism spirit (which I detest) was rubbing off on me. I can't say I ever remember voting different than BOOM on a presidential election, we sort of think the same on those lines anyway, but on other elections I most likely have at times voted different. Even in church leadership elections I don't think we have always voted the same. What think ye?