Originally Posted by bishoph
I saw this on another forum and asked/received the author (Pastor Steve Buxton of Hilltop Tabernacle Chula Vista, CA) for permission to post it here.
I guess the war was a pretty good excuse to place women in the work force. But glacing backward it seems to me that we not only took women out of the home but ultimately we lost the men in the process. The children of the WWII generation produced an attitude that explored the difference of the sexes while losing the respect of them. The children of the "make love not war generation" as they have moved into power, have done their best to absolutely destroy any deliniation of the sexes. With that has come this nuetered philosophy of Political Correctness of speech.
The reason for my post is that it seems to me that with the departure of real "Maleness" in our society it has become a seedbed for this PC mentality. It bothers me that men ( and I have seen it on this forum ) have to apologize and try to defend themselves if they speak in a way that some would consider not PC. Were the O.T. Prophets P.C.? Were the Disciples? Was Christ? I think not. Trumpets can be loud, disrupting even alarming but they do give a certain sound. Is not the admonition of Isaiah 58:1 to "lift up thy voice like a trumpet..." I am in the Church today because Men of God, Real Men of God, lifted their voices plainly....and I heard them and understood them..and am thankful for them today. Lift up your voice like a trumpet!!
I think I want to take back my post about this being an excuse for rudeness etc etc, however I take issue with the argument about "real maleness" based on Political Correctness. Political Correctness is not necessarily bad. But anything can be taken too far and if this is what SB is saying then I have to agree with the notion of lifting up our voice despite political correctness run amuck.
I think I may have misunderstood the post and the intent perhaps because of the premise it was based on, I was expecting it to be something entirely different
I do not think this "problem" is to be blamed on women working in the workforce.
Sorry guys.