Originally Posted by Neckstadt
You should read all of the 1945 PA of JC monthly magazines "The Outlook".
Then read the the Feb 1946 0 Dec 1946 UPCI Herald Magazines.
they support Thomas Fudge and his book.
WT Withersppon in the July 1945 makes this statment:
Please be advised that the rumor that our proposition to merge includes a compromise on fundamental doctrine is simply untrue.
Read it for yourself the PDF is attached to this post.
The Oct 1045 Outlook of the PA of JC has the merger report.
The compromise on the doctrine of Jesus name baptism after conversion and speaking in tounges after conversion. As believed my the PCI side of the merger did not end until a resolution at the 1971 general conference in Miami.
When words were added to the doctrinal belief of the UPCI.
WT Whiterspoon the man who said there was to be no compromise actually borrowed a type writter and penned the first accepted doctrinal position accepted by the UPCI merged group.
For the men of the PA of JC it indeed was a compromise.
They however did not want another failed merger between the 2 groups as did happen in 1938.
They ultimately did merger because both groups were Oneness and did Baptize in Jesus Name and Believe in Speaking in Tounges.
My father preached for both sides of the debate in the 1960's.
He was a hit at both sides because he stuck to the common ground of both groups the "Oneness message".
Oh, by the way I have reached Thomas Fudge and he and I will be talking live within the next 2 weeks.
I am very interested in talking with him...
Have fun seeing all the old great names of Pentecost in the magazines.
Nathan Eckstadt
Bro. Eckstadt,
Thank you so much for sharing these two magazienes with me.
Do you have any magazienes or articles where the two sides argued their positions on salvation??