Originally Posted by Bishop Frank Weber
Old Paths,
The majority of your information was flawed. An unidentified CAF member copied and pasted the full threaded discussion to Smith, from there Smith forwarded the thread to DKB. After that DKB writes a letter to CAF addressing the lies which were being told about him [each lie, he addressed in his letter]. DKB then sends the reply to Smith. Smith starts sending the response out in mass emails to various CAF members and none members alike. I received a copy of the letter from Smith, that is when I emailed Pastor Riggen to inform him of this underhanded act of betrayal.
Mind everyone though in spite of Smith's unethical actions that within itself is not the issue. The issue is that members of the Conservative Apostolic Forum made the bad choice of making untrue and unjust comments about DKB.
Bishop F.W., your summation of the events over which we have poured out a great deal of concern is accurate and commendable. The actions of the rapscallion under question, reprehensible as they be, would no doubt have never been wrought if it were not for the lamentable animadversions and obloquies of the contending erstwhile brethren.