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View Poll Results: Is Santa idolatry???
yes 23 37.70%
No 38 62.30%
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Old 12-03-2007, 11:11 AM

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Originally Posted by Ms. LPW View Post
Glad you wrote this, We get some pretty strange looks when we tell people we aren't telling our sons there is a Santa...

When I was small my parents were saved... and though they never outright said there was no Santa.. they never spoke of him or let on he left gifts...my aunts and uncles and cousins and friends would all talk about him, but my parents never said "That's a lie" they just didn't feed it... and when I was in grade two I came home and asked point blank if there was a Santa because all the kids were talking about him. They said.. no.. no Santa.
I didn't feel the least bit bad about it. But I still enjoyed every single Christmas, the Christmas carols... even the ones about Santa and Rudolph... I enjoyed thinking.. wouldn't it be neat if Reindeer really COULd fly? But I knew they couldn't. It didn't bother me a bit.

As an adult, it always disturbed me how "Santa" was able to see everything... and know everything... And I made the decision, no matter how unpopular with the other parents I know (including good Christian ones) that I wasn't going to tell my sons there was a Santa.

PS. There is no Easter Bunny Either GAAAAAAAASSSSPPP
When I was a child my parents told us from the get go that there was no Santa as portrayed and described by myth and legend. That did not preclude us having a 6" high lighted Santa that sat out on the breakfast bar when Christmas was getting close.

I never had a question on where the gifts I received came from... I was taught that they came from a portion of the provision God Almighty had made available to my Mom and Dad!

My Christmases were great and I never felt cheated that I didn't send some stupid letter to Santa... I just gave my list to my mom and lo and behold there were the presents.... well at least a few of them.
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