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Old 12-01-2007, 10:30 AM
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Mass E-mail Sent by G.R. Travis

November 28, 2007

By writing this article, I realize that I am taking a risk of being misunderstood. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the author's intent without the advantage of being present to feel their spirit. Yet, because of the confusion in the UPCI over Resolution No. 4 that was passed at General Conference in Tampa, Florida, I feel that I must express my concern. My desire is to see the continued cordial relationship among ministers that has always been in our fellowship. I do not wish to offend anyone; I only want to help. Please give me the courtesy of receiving this article as written, with pure motives.

After the vote was cast on Resolution No. 4, and we were waiting for the results from the tabulating committee, Brother Haney allowed me to speak. I did not know what the outcome of the vote would be, but I appealed to everyone, regardless of how they voted, to maintain a spirit of unity for the Kingdom's sake. As individuals, we have the right to choose the spirit and attitude that we exemplify, and it is important that we do the "Right Thing, Right."

I have had many conversations, phone calls, and e-mails regarding Resolution No. 4. It is a sad truth that some are falling for Satan's trap of blaming others for the confusion - the first strategy that he used on the human race. Blaming others is not the solution to the problem, but merely complicates it.

I believe I have stood as firmly as anyone in our fellowship against the evils of Television, but I have tried to do it with the right spirit. I voted against the resolution, and was disappointed when it passed. However, the passing of this resolution does not mean that I have to change anything. I am still at liberty to maintain the same position, and preach the same way I always have. In more than 50 years as a licensed minister of the UPCI, I have never had anyone to interfere or to try to place any restrictions upon my ministry. I have preached and pastored in a manner that I felt was appropriate in the sight of God.

I am pleased to be a citizen of the United States of America. However, I am disturbed and disappointed that many laws are passed to which I am diametrically opposed. Yet, I have no plans to leave the USA, and move to some other country. With all of the negatives that I can mention, it is still the best place in the world to live. I plan to stay here and use any influence that I may have to make it a better place to live.

Likewise, I have been disappointed when resolutions were passed in the UPCI, which I felt were not in our best interest. Other resolutions were not passed which I thought should have been. I have also disagreed with some ministers in their approach to the work of God. But, with all the negatives that I could mention, the positives of the UPCI far outweigh the negatives. Therefore, when I consider my options, the United Pentecostal Church, International is my best choice.

Regardless of which side of the issue you are on, we have to agree that the confusion is detrimental to the work of God. Satan is focusing on and planning his strategy to defeat those who have been effective in establishing God's kingdom in the earth. Look at our missions efforts: Who can dispute the fact that we are making a positive impact in the world for Jesus? Our purpose is to be the connecting link between a world headed for destruction and an indestructible kingdom. (Dan 2:44; Mat 16:13)

In conclusion, let me leave this thought with you. It is the last half of the last inning of a ball game, and the bases are loaded. The score is tied, two are out, and the batter is up to bat. It is a hit. As the runner on third base heads for home plate, the ball is thrown to home plate. The runner slides in home--dust flying. No one can see what is happening. The catcher says, "You're out." The runner says, "I'm safe." He looks safe, but maybe he is out. The crowd is going wild. They both turn to the man in blue -- "Tell us, is he safe or not?" The world is looking for someone to give answers to the hard questions. Will we be able to give the answers, or will we be caught up in the confusion of the moment?

My primary concern with the outcome of this controversy is not the consequences it will have upon me personally. I am on the west side of life, and I know that I do not have as far to go as I have come. Rather, I am more concerned with how God's Kingdom and the next generation will be affected. For Heaven's Sake let us come together in a spirit of brotherly love, unity, and reconciliation. Does that mean that we will agree on everything? Absolutely not! However, our mission - The Whole Gospel to the Whole World by the Whole Church- can, and should be the common denominator that gives us a base for fellowship.

For Heaven's Sake,

G. R. Travis
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