Originally Posted by becky123abc
I really appreciate the feedback i got on this thread.
Theresa, i will look into those mats....
I haven't really thought about playing without the pedal...maybe I should experiment with that. Thanks revalationists!
I will try the ideas mentioned...it's somewhat comforting to know I'm not the only one with this problem!
Monkeyman, I play a little guitar...but I don't know any fancy chords...just the basics...i do luv me some acoustic guitar though...That's one of the reasons I'm a Paul Baloche fan!
Thanks everyone else too for your responses...when I find what works for me, I'll post a follow up! God Bless!
Play off the other musicians when you play without the pedal... off beat stuff.... it's great and let's you stand on both feet... it's easier to do that than loose weight.. believe me, I know... : )