Originally Posted by staysharp
I'm curious why "Sandra" isn't wearing any earrings? Why the makeup seems really light? No disrespect Sandra...is this your alter ego name? (lol) Since everybody knows who you are isn't this a mute point?
Seriously though, were you particularly cognizant of the fact you were back in UPCI territory so you decided not to flaunt your new freedom? I find it very distasteful when children leave upc and flaunt their freedoms at home or on the holidays when all the family is still upc or holds to the traditional modes of dress.
I believe even though you may disagree with family, it's important not to purposefully disrespect or bring emotional pain to them based upon your liberty.
I would like your input. I think it would be valuable especially during this holiday season. By the way, I am a BIG fan and love your ministry!!!
Sandra attends a great UPC church. She is who she is.