Ministry of Andrew Urshan
Today we had the privilege of hearing a missionary to his homeland/Russia, Bro. Keisel. He spoke in Russian and his son interpreted for him. Bro. Keisel's great grandfather came to know Jesus Christ through baptism in Jesus name and the infilling of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues, through the ministry of the late Andrew Urshan. This was 2 years before the iron curtain was constructed and all evangelism to Russia had to go underground. Bro. Keisel's father was put into prison for not renouncing Jesus during the reign of the KGB. There are 5 generations now serving the Lord and after the iron curtain fell...the Keisel's decided to stay In Russia instead of immigrating the the United States to witness and take the gospel to their own people. It was an amazing story.
Our church supports the missionaries there and when taking the offerring this morning a new suit of clothing was donated to Bro. Keisel and a new pair of shoes. He had on his son's shoes and an older inappropriate for the weather type suit. Another man donated his expensive ring to the work, and another a silk tie...many other things came in but the response financially was awesome also.
The late Rev. William Schmidt loved to tell the old stories of the life and ministry of the Urshans and Andrew Urshan in particular. It was wonderful to see how the fruits of his labor have existed since before the iron curtain, until it's destruction, and on to the church in Russia today. I thank God for the ministry of the saints of old who have passed from this life who left such an amazing legacy.
Blessings, Rhoni