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View Poll Results: You Be the Judge
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Old 11-24-2007, 08:03 AM
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God's Son

Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 3,743
Coward or Compromisor?

When a legalist makes a comment like the statement which stands I highlighted, one must ask the legalist if they are are so sure that people with opposing beliefs are going to hell, why throw in the word may? If rckrt is so confident FCF, and AFF is so wrong, why beat around the bush? It's easy to tell the living they are going to hell, but once they pass on from this life, they MAY not be lost. If they may be lost, the other side of the coin is they MAY be SAVED.

Rckrt's comments is an attempt to intimidate the living. He knows he has no power over those who are no longer with us. In spite of how many bad mushrooms rckrt eats, he cannot be judge, jury and executioner over those who are not living.

I wish I would have met the founder of FCF. He made such a tremendous impact on my life. Believer's Bootcamp is a must read for every Apostolic Believer.

Rckrt's insinuations are repulsive on the surface, but after some thought, it really exposes him to be the coward many have known him to be.

Rckrt has a spirit of pride and arrogance. The same spirits Lucifer exhibited before his expulsion from the presence of God.

AFF is the living room of Pastor Rutledge's Apostolic net. If sinners came there seeking salvation and read all that filth and trash they would continue in the world since there would be no difference. It is a crying shame what some men will do so they can have traffic on their web sites and forums. The spewing hatred and bigotry over there allowed by Brother Rutledge and his moderators shows they either have compromised beyond redemption or they are just letting these serpents speak what is in their own hearts. Then they can sit back and laugh that someone else is saying what they do not have the guts to say. AFF needs to be flushed.
It is nothing but a copycat of the old Faith-Child forum of a man who may have died lost because of his backsliding and liberalism.
I pray those who are new babes do not find that spiritual pig stye.

Sister Caya AFF is owned by Brother Rutledge and as you have seen is hosted on Apostolic.net servers. The WhoIs told it all. Now we know who is behind the filth spewing out over there.

Pastor Reckart
1:58 PM
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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