With the notable and exemplary exceptions that have already been note: most of the "conservatives" here play the hit and run game. They post something derisive about the UPC and its "compromise" or they do a little dance about "all those preachers turning in their credentials" and then they run off.
That kind of behavior is NOT very friendly at all. It also provokes a bunch of posts going after "the guys who do the little dance." Then these same guys come back and complain about how they were mistreated.
Passive aggressive. It's the way they treat everybody.
And again, there are several fine examples like C.S. and S.E. and others who will actually engage you. But most of the "conservative" stuff is hit and run. It's like they're fighting a guerilla campaign against their own erstwhile brothers.
The terms are so relative... I'm all confused.
To me, the UC is the person who is dead set against even advertising on the "hellivision".. So are Con's and Ultra Con's considered the same thing on here? Because I would call myself conservative... but I'm not damning anyone for having or advertising on a tv...
So am I a moderate? WHO AM I???!!!!
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.