Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind
Agape, if you save as OGG format it is the quickest and it will convert to MP3 faster for the OGG is native. To make smaller files, choose a smaller wavelength. 128 as opposed to 192 will shorten the size considerably.
Audacity is open source and works great. We had the blessing of finding a pair of 1 GIG memory sticks in a yard sale for $10, and we have a 30 or 40 GIG drive so large files are not a worry for our sound. We have 100% eliminated tapes.
lol....and the sticks were still good? I think for hardware like that I'd prefer new though I always like a good deal. We have two gigs, really fast too. Came with the heat splitters too. Audacity does it all for us, though we have other stuff, some freebies that came with our sound card, but we never use them. I use Nero to split the track for recording to a CD. Audacity can do that too, but honestly I don't want to have all those files lying around. With Nero it does it on the fly and does not physically store multiple mp3 files for one message.
I wish I had something that was more automated though. With Nero I have to wait for the entire file to "que" up before adding the indexes where I will split them. You can save a template for that file, but I wish I had a one size fits all template so I don't have to wait for que