Work at home
This is probably not the right place for a thread like this (and ADMIN, if you want to move or delete it, thats fine, I'll understand), but we are in a situation and I'm just looking for ideas.
I won't go into details, but, most everyone knows about my wife's health. Here's the situation... my wife is iin contant need of care. I haven't been able to work (I'm a Heating and Air Guy) since August. Dr. visits, treatments, and contant care make a regular job virtually impossible.
Everywhere you look you see these "Work at home" ads. Are any legit? Does anyone know where I can go to find some type of work at home knd of thing?
We're okay in finances right now (Barely, but, okay) . But, I get kind of concerned about the long run. My wife says "Don't worry", and I try not to, but... well, sometimes thats all I know to do. If you have any ideas, please post or PM. Thanks. And thank you for your prayers.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.