Why did God choose a Stable and not A...
Why did God choose a lowly carpenter to be Jesus' Father?
Why did he choose a lowly Maiden to be his Mother?
Why did he choose a nasty stable to robe himself in flesh?
Why did he not choose Kings and Kingdoms?
Why did he not choose a Throne?
Why do we as Christians believe the Riches mean Blessing?
Why do we believe that material wealth is what is most important in life?
The Jews Looked for a King to be born and lead them...and they abandoned their Savior because he offered them little more than they already had...
He offered Salvation they wanted wealth and position...
He offered Healing they wanted position....
To those he ministered to they were the poor and unwanted...
To those he warned they were the wealthy and rich...
I'm just wondering has God changed or have we?
What do you think?