My pastor was told the first day he arrived to look out for me and my wife because we try to run everything. Funny thing is we are doing more now than what we did under the previous pastor. Each time we were asked to fulfill a need. I wound up replacing 2 of those witchcraft practicing legalists on the board. I didn't even know there was an election going on. I was in the parking lot ministering to someone who was demonically attacked by a legalist.
Those people who filled you in have their own agenda and you fell right in step. When our new pastor came in, I could have told him about the legalist retards and how they manipulated previous pastors. I chose not divulge that information. I told the pastor, he needs to make his own mind up. He figured them out all by himself. I wouldn't have those people as a youth pastor or board. They would be luck if I gave them a putty knife to scrape the bird doo off of the windows.
Originally Posted by Whole Hearted
What a bunch of hogwash. No one is telling me what to do. I am glad that when I came into a new area and didn't know the churches that there was someone to fill me in.
These good people don't tell me what to do and neither do you. I will do as I wish. I might stay and I might go, but either ways it's none of your business.