Looking back from an adult perspective at bible school, I had no problem with some rules ... the limited dates for lower classmen being one.
Of course, those were "official" dates ... it was almost impossible to monitor "unofficial" ones.
We had our share of ridiculous rules at JCM in the mid-later seventies when the school was the premier UPC bible college.
For example, males and females riding in the same car had to be in different seats. All males had to be in either the front or back seat separated from the females.
It made it kinda hard if one girl needed a ride to church with four guys and all the guys were jammed in the front seat and the girl alone in the back seat.
Most of the time this rule was ignored and rightfully so.
It seemed the philosophy to keeping people "pure" and "holy" in bible school much like "ole time pentecost" in general was to throw another ridiculous rule at it until the rule book was bigger than the bible.
I've posted about this before: I find it amusingly ironic that pentecostal conservatives like to compare themselves to political conservatives.
When really as far as the "create a new rule/law every day" philosophy is dead-on parallel to the radical political left throwing money at every new problem:
And whereas "liberal" pentecostals philosophy of "teach principle and let every man follow God according to a good conscience" is classic Reagan-Buckley conservatism where individual rights are king:
The radical "ole time pentecost" wing of modern day pentecostalism preaches and practices the political philosophy NOT of Ronald Reagan, William Buckley and Richard Nixon ... but they preach and practice the political philosophy of Barbara, Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton.