Originally Posted by Timmy
Finally! Someone who can answer the simple question: why is TV forbidden, but the Internet not?
The TV decision was made years ago, long before Al Gore invented the Internet.........
The TV was also not necessary for work, school etc.
Later, along came the WWW. It became apparent that the Internet was not merely entertainment, but the new form of communication, and a necessity for many jobs, and education. In fact, some people have their entire living relying on the web.
Not to mention the fact that with the flood of technology, phones, laptops, Internet, etc etc, You cant just ban all forms of information, and communication. It became apparent that it is up to the individual to police his actions, because we are flooded with opportunities for bringing ungodly things into out homes/lives.
Many churches have adapted by teaching holiness from a love and dedication stand point, instead of just banning one form or another.
Pastors have come to realize that people are going to do what they want, and you can no longer use the same methods as before to help people keep sin out of their lives. So they teach what the bible says about sin, murders, adultery etc, and what the bible says about those who put it before their eyes, and "take pleasure in them that do" those sins.
That's why many pastors have stayed with the stand against TV, but realized the same restrictions simply cannot apply to the Internet.