Here's a thought experiment for us to consider. (I've been criticized before for bringing up hypotheticals. Why? Not sure, but I have a theory. But never mind that, now. If you don't like hypotheticals, stop reading right here.)
What would happen if every denomination, organization/fellowship of ministers, and church in the world, whether they are Oneness or not, Pentecostal or not, fundamentalist or not, were suddenly to shut their doors, close up shop, disband. Every minister, preacher, evangelist, missionary, denomination/fellowship official tears up their credentials. Everyone is a layman now, each reading the Bible and studying for themselves (OK, small groups in homes are allowed!), searching God in their own way.
Would God's work stop?
Or would it continue, perhaps stronger than ever? Everyone lives the life that God leads them into, doing the work God gives them, loving their neighbor as themselves, loving each other, loving God.
Do we really need to meet once a week, or twice, or the more the better? To hear a "sermon", which more times than not is a rehashing of things we've heard over and over again? (Not that repetition is always bad, but sometimes it gets ridiculous!) Do some of us need all the rules laid out for us? Do some of us need to be constantly reminded how sinful we are, and if we don't toe the line, do we need to be berated and humiliated?
Isn't God powerful enough to lead individuals into truth, when they seek it?
(NOTE: I am not claiming that nothing good ever happens in churches or denominations. That's not the purpose of this little thought experiment. Not really advocating this massive shutdown, either. But I do wonder, sometimes, if the good outweighs the bad, all things considered.)
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty