Originally Posted by Thad
So where does this place your belief system specifically? how is one saved outside of christianity ? what is the opposite of organized religion?
One is not saved by Christianity, either inside or outside of it. One is saved by Jesus, period.
The opposite of organized religion would be disorganized religion
For me, it simply means that I have no desire to be involved in an organization, denomination, congregation, or church.
I view faith as an individual thing that is between one and the Lord. I think the modern church has put entirely too much power in the hands of others, whether due to laziness, or just because that is what they were taught to do.
Additionally, I am of the opinion that once a group of believers gets organized and starts to set up leadership and structure, they tend to get off track. Eventually their main concerns seem to be about money, programs, and building bigger buildings, as well as having a little spiritual country club with those who think exactly like them.
I am not denying their right to do those things, I just don't want to be a part of it.