Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker
It is a hard thing to get over...but you can...it will never go away but it does get better with time...I can even go out in my town now and not be afraid of running into anyone from that church...for a long time it made me nervous now I know they thing I am backslid and living in sin so I don't care, because I know, the Lord knows and the people I love and care about know...so that is all that matters to me!
Oh, I'm not afraid of anything like that. The bad churches are 900 miles away and so there is no chance that I will run into anyone from them.
No, in my case, I have simply openly embraced the fact that I have no desire to ever attend church or have anything to do with anything that borders on religious. Nor will I ever allow anyone to have any real or perceived spiritual authority over me again.
To be honest, these days I'm not even so sure about Jesus. If he's anything like they have made him out to be, I don't want anything to do with him either.