Originally Posted by Truly Blessed
One other reason a church might find it necessary to cut back on support is because they have less finances available. It's difficult for me to believe that these churches will be unaffected by leaving the UPC. Usually there is a certain percent of any congregation that simply want to remain in the organization even though the pastor left. Are saints in the USA that loyal that they will simply follow the pastor out of the UPC?
I think it all depends on who the pastor is, and how long he has pastored that particular congregation. Most of the names I've seen listed here are of pastors who have been in their pulpits for many, many years, in fact, many of those pastors started their churches from scratch.
So, yes, I'd have to say that the saints will follow the pastor without question. His spiritual DNA is in them, and most likely they've shared his viewpoints about the organization and what it stands for for years anyway.
It would be more difficult for a new pastor to sway an existing congregation, that's for sure.