Dearest Rhoni,
About a week ago, after expressing my heartfelt support for a decision my sister and her family have made to relocate .... a certain AFF poster took the opportunity to try to intimidate me by placing my comment under his "
He was under the false impression that we were not siblings and I was talking off the the top of my head.
In subsequent posts, he stubbornly persisted to malign my intents, character and yes, even, my spirituality.
Here is just one of his zealot kool-aid induced tirades:
Listen, I have been around a long long time and it is very convenient for someone to elevate their level of spirituality level to the point it is dripping with convenience.
YOU WON THE LOTTERY??? Hallelujah! I was praying for you that you would!!! Now don't you think I am spiritual....!!
What about all the times they didn't win...where is your elevated level of dripping and muckity muck spirituality now?
I don't know the folks in TN don't know the details of their situation, but I think it is pretty audacious for D.A. to all of the sudden tell these folks that their decision was based on his prayers and furthermore the decision was the right one because he agreed with it.
I just about descernment...a spirit of condescension in D.A.'s tone. Like I said, had they decided to go a more conservative UPC or Apostolic route, D.A.'s response wouldn't have been so drippy or corney. Based on his elevated level of Spirituality, he would have probably told them to go and seek the Lord HARDER so they could be lead somewhere other than the UPC/Conservative path.
It has little or nothing to do with what I believe or my convictions, it has to do more with relativistic spiritual condescension, and it turns my stomach regardless of which camp exhibits it.
After realizing his premise was FLAWED ... and exposing to the reading audience that his attacks on my character were based on his animosity towards me ... he has decided to step up his hate-filled posting ... by issuing a public challenge and threat that he will be a thorn/gnat in my life .....
You just pushed the right buttons, broke the camels, back, froze the engine, and I had to respond in kind.
From henceforth on, I challenge you
He apparently is in a tizzy over my postings here at AFF ... he also has blasted me by inferring that I'm backslidden, drippy, corney, pseudo-spiritual, possessed w/ a spirit of condescension, and feigning my support for Darcie, my sister, for personal gain.
Here's the deal ... I have a blackbelt in verbal martial arts and psy-ops specialist...
I don't want to tear a new one on a poster who has seen his best days and wants to face
me w/ an under-sized pea shooter.
What do I do? I tried to apologize for offending him in anyway but to no avail ...
I even ignored his flimsy attempt to dictate the terms of engagement ....
But he's leaving me little room here to maneuver ... I can't back down ....
even if I try.
Do I give him the ever-loving smackdown ???.... or do I just put him on ignore making him more miserable?.
Who's your Daddy?
This is my house!!!