Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
Oh sorry - you mean YOUR BRAND OF TRUTH!!!!!!!! I just keep forgetting that it has to be in YOUR POOL in YOUR LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!
Joel Osteen is doing an incredible job of bringing life, hope and help to millions. It is so easy to criticize from ................the cheap seats. You might be too high up in the bleachers to see the real action on the field!!! Some have lost sight of reality!!!!!!!!
Bishop, I think that Joel deserves all the aclaim he gets. He seems like he is just as real in person as he does on tv. As you stated he has taken a large step from running the tv ministry to leading the whole shabang. I am with you AB, Joel is doing great. I also agree that Joseph is twisting some stuff around. I agree there is only one truth, Joseph is right there. But Joe you got the cart before the horse I think. You are saying that Joel has no backbone. It takes alot of backbone to stand up there and preach what you believe when not everyone else agrees. Joel is going with what he knows. You are doing to same. The difference is he is lifting people by telling them they have a backbone to stand tough in a tough world, but you are saying that the only leg that people have to stand on is the leg the Apostolic preachers tell them they have.
AB you hit the nail on the head when you said,"
Our brand on Christianity has alienated millions of people by our approach and condescending attitude. Joel just wants to reach people with the positive message of the GOOD NEWS!" The highlighted part is one of the truest statments every said on this whole site.