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Old 10-17-2007, 11:25 AM
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ReformedDave ReformedDave is offline
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Originally Posted by bishoph View Post
I do not understand what the big JO deal is, (I don't really get anything out of his talks) except they have rockin powerful worship services that are not seen on their TV broadcast.

I think the problem we have in Apostolicism is that we have missed one of the most basic "rules" for preaching. The only thing the Bible states should be preached is the Gospel. Doctrine is to be taught, but most of the messages in Apostolic churches centers around doctrine. The letter (doctrine) killeth but the spirit (Gospel) maketh alive. There must be a balance, and when a church is imbalanced either way it creates problems. A church with all Gospel and no doctrine (death) tends to be a carnal/wordly church, while a church with all doctrine and no Gospel (life) tends to be legalistic and condemning.

Just my observations
To hear the 'good news' of the gospel one must understand their 'badness' and helplessness with Christ first. The is the doctrine of sin and salvation. BTW, where does the Bible state that the Gospel is the ONLY thing to be preached? Seems like Christ and the apostle did otherwise.

It's interesting how you take 2 Cor: 3:6 out of context. Paul is in no way degrading the law or it's importance. In fact he states it because of our sin that the law kills us. It show us our need of a savior and for the saint it has much to do with practical sanctification.

I do agree that JO preaches nothing and what he has is a gospel without the punishment of the law and in fact it makes the gospel meaningless.
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