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Old 10-03-2007, 07:13 PM
IAintMovin's Avatar
IAintMovin IAintMovin is offline
Beaux's li'l buddy............

Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 1,191

To all the wonderful members of AFF, and the rest of you too - ……

I was introduced to many of you on NFCF, and then when it came time for AFF to start up I had the awesome honor of getting to play a part. Because of these events there are some wonderful friendships that have been made.

As an owner of AFF you are viewed differently. I realize that to those of us on here that may not be fair, but hey, we are the AFF family. But to those who are outside, when they look at AFF and know that I am one of the owners –we are held responsible for the actions that happen on here. If a truth is posted -even though we did nothing to help that matter– we get the credit; and if something that is not as true is posted, we are held partly responsible. Like it or not, that is just the way it is.

Another thing that has happened in my life since becoming a poster/owner is that I find a lot of time is wasted that could be put to much better use.

With these two facts being what they are, I am saying goodbye to the forum. I will no longer be posting with you guys, nor will I be doing admin work, nor will I be an owner from this point forward.

This is not a witch-hunt, I am not angry, but I feel for the church I am honored to pastor to have the best chance at making a real difference in our world, I need to devote my time there. As pastor of a great church that is my responsibility.

I want it to be clear that I will no longer be an owner of AFF. I am no longer responsible in any way for the good, or not so good, that is posted here. I have been assured that ownership will be carried on with no problems. AFF was set up to allow that no one owner can decide to pull the plug and the forum shut down. You are seeing now where an owner can step out of the picture and the forum will not be affected as far as staying up and running.

Feel free to contact me if any of you ever want to at the email address that goes with IAM (I will be leaving the email capability active) but put something in the subject line to make sure I do not throw it away. Say something like “Hey, we miss you on AFF!” or “Hey, we are glad you are gone from AFF!”

I say to all of you – God's speed – be blessed – stay the course – and Whatever It Takes …….. Live for Jesus.

To my fellow owners – it has been real...it has been an honor...I respect each of you more than you will ever know….. Love you all.
To the rest of the admin team....you are the best - you are not thanked enough for your hard work.
To my friends – Love you too.
To everybody else……oh wait there is no one else…..

God bless,

James Renfro Jr.
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