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Old 09-26-2007, 12:11 PM
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(WOW) Letter Against Stephan Hoover & Other UPC pastors!

Here's the Letter- It's LONG! but I highlighted in Red where he addresses the issue of "wife swap" and also the Blackshere's who went on the Letterman show!


written by a pastor from north Dakota!!

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3

This very important question was asked not by the prophet but by the Lord. The Prophet was the medium that God used. (KJV)

The apostle Paul asked this question: “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” 2 Corinthians 6:16 (KJV)

My Question Is Where Is The Agreement?

In a recently published web article there was a call for UNITY to the ignoring of the things that are disagreed among us. I admire the desire of the author and wish that it were as simple as he makes it sound. However the Lord was the one to ask the Question ““Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” The author of the article has several valid points about the importance of being able to disagree and still have unity. There are things that all of us will never agree on and we can still have unity whether in the church or in the home. However there are some things that when they are transgressed will in and of themselves bring about disunity. It was the authors’ contention that the TV issue and the resolution should not bring about a disunity of the Body.

The issues involved in the TV Resolution carries with them grave consequences. Not least of those consequences is the division it has brought. A division not by those that are content, nay committed to maintaining the old paths, but by those not content to accept the decisions made on more than one occasion by the majority of the brethren, decisions dating back to less than ten years from the merger.

That really does sound like an ideal situation doesn’t it. However this issue can never be satisfied by just uniting on the doctrine ofActs 2:38 and the Oneness of God. The issues involved in the TV Resolution carries with them grave consequences. Not least of those consequences is the division it has brought. A division caused not by those that are content, nay but committed to maintaining the old paths, but by those not content to accept the decisions made on more than one occasion by the majority of the brethren, decisions dating back to less than ten years from the merger.
As has been often stated by those on both sides of the issue, “Television is not the Issue”.

Too be very honest I don’t believe the issue will be settled when the question of using and appearing on TV comes to a vote again no matter which way it goes or how often it is brought up.

Why, “Because Television is not the Issue”. Neither is the Issue Unity.

The real issue facing the United Pentecostal Church is the issue of Integrity and Honesty.

These are essential attributes which every man of God must possess and are not debatable nor can they be ignored. To debate, ignore or delete either one from our lives and ministry is to court disaster.

I want to believe that many of those that are pushing for this change are sincere and really believe that they want to do it for the right reasons. However, there are several things about this whole thing that troubles me and gives me reason to believe that possibly many of the honest people are being influenced by something other than the word of God.

Without a doubt one of the greatest influences is the spirit of the age in which we live. The Spirit of the age is a spirit of lawlessness and rebellion against authority. It is the spirit of self gratification and sensual desires. This spirit is described in Romans chapter one as well as the consequences of following such a spirit.

When Integrity and Honesty are compromised it creates a landslide effect from which there seems to be no stopping. I have recently revisited a couple of books written by a man that describes the loss of integrity and honesty out of his life. They are quite telling, the titles are “Integrity, How I Lost It, and My Journey Back” and “Fatal Conceit”, the author is Richard W. Dortch former president of PTL. In these books Mr. Dortch describes the path that he and those associated with him followed to their demise as leaders and how they lost their integrity. . I would recommend that everyone read these books to see where misguided ambitions can take a person.

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