Originally Posted by Thad
So you think the doctors are being paid off to lie ??
Thad, you aren't getting it. How can the docs even know? How can they tell?
For instance, if someone comes in claiming to have liver cancer and are prayed for, how can the docs pronounce them healed without doing tests?
If someone comes in claiming to have a seizure disorder and then are 'healed', how do the doctors know?
I'm a nurse. I have people ask my opinion from time to time. I don't mind and help out when I can.
However, there are people who think I have a cure-all answer. One friend told me about cold symptoms she'd had for a month and she'd been on two different antibiotics. She asked me what she should do for her sickness.
I told her, "Go see your doctor."
That's what Benny should be telling these people who claim healing.