Originally Posted by Felicity
I believe we have a responsibility to preach apostolic doctrine. I just believe with all my heart that my view of salvation has more credibility and can pass the test of hard questions with a much higher score than the PAJC view.
And there's much less need to hedge and fudge when asked the hard questions.
With all due respect our view really doesn't matter when it comes to eternity. In our humanity, all of us would love to enjoy the thoughts of heaven for those "good" moral people we all know. This includes granny, papaw, and our trinitarian counterparts who are sincere both in their beliefs and their love for God.
The questions are hard because we are not convinced that the word of God is absolute. Jesus said that all who come any other way are thieves and robbers. The Apostle Paul stated if any come preaching another Gospel let them be cursed.(paraphrased) It really is that cut and dry! No wiggle room there.
So then how do we deal with all of those "good" people? They are in the hands of a righteous God. This is not an evasive argument but rather a true statement. Do I believe that every person who lived for God to the best of their knowledge "light" but did not have all of the truth are going to split hell wide open. No! But I can most definitely state that they will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. For heaven is reserved for those who have washed their garments in the blood of the lamb. Where God places those "good" people is his business alone, however, his word is very clear on where they will
not be.
Please know that this post and nearly all of my posts are not directed at individuals, but rather at the issues/topics that are being discussed.