Originally Posted by Thad
from the words of a friend who is not apostolic - his recent thoughts on Jakes....as far as Jakes goes. I don't consider him preaching the gospel anymore. he, Joel Osteen, etc. have become affirmation gurus, spiritual Tony Robbins type people. they don't exeggetically teach or preach the word anymore. jakes and that bunch talk bout getting your stuff back, excelling in buisness, reafirming the positive image of oneself. jakes had a God given opportunity to affect the body with the power of preaching the cross, a crucified life, walking in purity, etc. instead fame and fortune has taken his ministry. s.
any truth to these comments ? OR do preachers evolve as they get older? Have the times changed and those not in agreement not keeping up ? i want to stay open minded but after last night, i have to say, i wonder if there may be some merit to what critics are saying about the prosperity thing. everthing seems to be about money now.
That is profound...and I think it may be true. I haven't looked at TD Jakes in a minute.
Very little of what he preaches now does anything for the spirit man.
Man, that is scary!
When I think of Tony Robbins, I think artificial, superficial....
But like I said, as long as folks keep on enabling these ministries and flocking to them, what does the word say..?
Itching ears, heaping teachers unto themselves, ever learning, never coming to the knowledge of the truth!
Jesus help us...