03-02-2007, 01:49 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 4,300
Originally Posted by Sherri
Awesome!! We're starting our third Sunday morning service this Sunday. It's called "the Edge" and will run at the same time as our regular 2nd service. It's in the youth room, which has big screens, a sound system like the regular auditorium, etc. We did it that way on purpose when we built in case we outgrew the sanctuary. It will have it's own edgy worship band (acoustic guitar driven), people more casual, and then after praise & worship, Eddie will be in there on the big screen, taped from the 9 AM service. We thought about doing it live, but we didn't want to interrupt worship if there was a move of God. At the end, there will be a pastor back there who will do an altar call or whatever he feels. We are excited about it and hope it draws in more people!!
We just started a Bible Study about a hour from here that Eddie & I are also doing, so we go there once a week. Life is crazy, but fun!
Love it, love it!!! here ya go...our youth group...THE EDGE!!!!! www.theedgerocks.ca