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As many of you have heard, Dr. James Kennedy passed away this month, but what many may not have known was how his church became the fastest growing Presbyterian church in the world.
One interesting fact that I would share with you, he started his ministry in North Ft. Lauderdale in a missions church that met in a public school with only 45 in attendance. Before too long, that number dwindled down to around 17; however, the ministry from that church would soon have a presence in 220 countries in the world. This was the first ministry to accomplish such a goal and it was done well before anyone ever heard of TBN.
The attached link outlines the vision that Dr. Kennedy held until his last days of ministry, which initially mirrored much of our current outreach tools that the UPCI has had in operation for many, many years. I shared this with you all for it truly was an inspiration to hear the Life & Legacy of this fine man. Once you click on the link, chose the Life & Legacy link on the page to watch a short video, which is only around 15 minutes in its entirety.
Additionally, I would like to ask the members of AFF to pray for our leadership and especially those that will be casting their votes on the resolutions that affect our organization during the General Conference. Let's pray that God's perfect will be done and that the divisiveness that has been so prevalent leading up to this meeting would be replaced with a renewed spirit of unity.