09-18-2007, 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
Ferd, I totally agree with your assessment of the situation, as I have often seen the same thing happen. It appears that often times when someone leaves a belief they once held, they tend to go quite the opposite.
Having said that, here is where I stand on the issue, having once believed it myself (only because I was taught it was in the Bible as it was taught to me).
Here is what I see going on in the church today......skirts are getting shorter and shirts are getting tighter. Immodesty is becoming rampant in the church but the church doesn't address it because.....well, they are wearing the uniform (and yes, I hate calling it that, but it's how I see it).
I see backs and tummies of even adult women, not just teenage girls. Sure, they have skirts on, but sometimes, barely. Even the 21 yr old daughter of my pastor fights her clothing to keep it on certain areas of her body, which often fails.
My daughter and I wear skirts to church but pants most everywhere else. I have been consistent in teaching her modesty in everything she wears, and believe me when I say that at the age of 14 (this Friday), she dresses appropriately at all times, even when swimming (she wears a colored T-shirt and long shorts).
I know that I'm not the norm in what you relate to in your post above, but be assured that there are people out there who, although they once believed the 'standard doctrine', they still believe in modesty in all manner of dress.
I just want to amen your post. I told my mom last night that I dress a lot more modest even though I don't hold to "The Standard" than the UPC teenagers today. I was so shocked to see the UPC preachers daughter the other night in a very short skirt with high heels. (and it was not like she was rebeling because I have seen her in stuff like this with her dad and she is also dating a future UPC preacher)