It would be nice if every one had the spirit of Ruth that said, "Let me now go to the fields and glean." My, what a golden spirit to possess amidst the clashing gods and national boundary lines. Her sickle is rusty, but the golden spirit of Ruth still prevails today among many of God’s handmaidens who take their call of God seriously. She must preach glad tidings regardless of the cost. Ruth is long gone but her notable qualities live on.
If the Lord shows you a need, it is usually His way of saying to do something about it. Dorcas, the disciple, saw a need. Deborah saw a people that needed to be led. Anna, long waited to proclaim the Messiah. Huldah saw a need to interpret God’s laws. Miriam saw a need to play the tambourine and lead a dance unto the Lord. Many of these women received messages from God and relayed them to the people. Such a responsible position represents a unique closeness to God.
Many women were God’s voice for that place and time. They were used mightily in the time of need. What if there had been no Deborah to rise against the enemy? What if Deborah’s voice had been silenced? What if Anna had not proclaimed the Messiah or what if Huldah had left the high priest, kings, and the people without the interpretation of God’s Word? You may say God would have raised up someone else. I agree with you in part, but what destiny would they have had if they did not obeyed the Word of God? I'll tell you the answer; they would have been lost as well anyone who does not obey God.
In the face of solemn reality, we must be careful not to try to laugh off or brush off the call of God on someone else’s life. If it were of God, time and eternity will reveal it.
Much has been said about women "learning in silence," "and not usurping authority", etc. But it has been forgotten that women labored in the gospel?
Some have tried to justify men preachers only, because the man is the head of the home. I too, believe the husband is the head of the home, but that doesn’t mean God can’t use a woman in the church.
God used Deborah, Priscilla, Huldah, and others that their husbands, were still the heads of their homes. But being a wife did not cause God not to use them. God giving a woman a message to preach does not change the fact that man is the head of the home. God would give her nothing that would be contrary to His Word (
Galatians 1:1-8). Neither would God give man something against His Word.