Originally Posted by Truly Blessed
Faith isn't blind! I don't believe that we can use that scripture to justify baptizing someone without them understanding why they need to be baptized. Even John the Baptist expected those coming to him for baptism to bring forth fruit that indicated they had truly repented. (Mt.3:8)
On the Day of Pentecost, Peter, after telling the multitude to repent and be baptized, didn't immediately baptize them. Acts2:40 informs us that with many other words he warned them and pleaded with them. Then verse 41 says, "Those who accepted his message were baptized."
Early on in my ministry I tended to baptize immediately, but after finding that some people got caught up in the moment and got baptized, but then didn't continue on to walk with the Lord, I began to be more careful. To me baptism is too important to make it a light matter. I like to know the Word has taken root beyond the first time they have responded to it. Jesus says we're to first count the cost and then follow Him.
I understand the desire to move quickly, but totally agree with this post. Over the years, I have seen many come and respond in the moment and then when the emotion wears off they fall away.