Well you folks will want to send me to the jungle ...but I will post anyway...
Redemption has to be greater than the fall and must go beyond all dimensions that the fall brought upon humanity. Redemption covers every area of life. Why is it that we have no difficulty in celebrating what redemption has brought to mankind, but yet find it hard to celebrate redemption in connection with the woman? Could it be that many theologians have biased ideas and opinions?
Revelation 20:6: Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection as such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years.
This refers to the same event where there will be no difference in sex neither male nor female. Note that the Bible says “And shall reign (rule) with him one thousand years.” God’s original conception of things will be restored; male and female will be governing co-equal again (
Revelation 1:6 and 5:10).
Many people accept this theory in the coming generations but don’t want it in this generation. It stands to reason in this generation we are yet striving to reach that place in Christ. But as we put on Christ more and more we will see less competition among the sexes. We will all begin to realize that when the spirit moves upon us to speak we neither speak as male or female but as oracles of God. Our voice becomes his voice when we are in perfect harmony with Him.