Originally Posted by Praxeas
Man this is as dangerous as it gets....families don't need a man. All they need is a woman. Sure. Satan won't try to destroy the man cuz if you want to hurt the family you need to get the woman, not the lowly male. This whole thread ends up being reverse discrimination in disguise!
Satan is after EVERYONE. HE destroys families by working on men and women and teens.
The problem with this thread is it is full of a lot of unfounded assertions geared to stroke the ego of the liberal feminists AND it is very very very unbalanced presenting women as the only pillar in a family satan would want to try to attack and that only women are "persecuted" by men (btw women can be just as evil towards men) and not rather men and women both are corrupt humanity and take advantage over others and that this is the church persecuting women
You amaze me. I didn't mean or allude to the assertion you made that families don't need men. Doggoneit Prax...I think just the oposite than that. I will even concede to the fact I need one.
The fact is, in or out of the church, the women by nature are nurturers even of their husbands. And if the woman folds, a man just finds another woman to take her spot because it is very difficult for men and children to survive without a Mom and a wife. But our country is made up of primarily single parent families; women with children & at poverty level. Women and children SURVIVE but just barely.
If you are insinuating that I am a liberal feminist you are out of your ever lovin' mind. My prayer and desire is that our churches be filled with healthy families with a two parent home and a Father that loves his wife, the mother of his children, and children that have respect and honor their parents. It comes from the head down. If the head is dysfunctional then the whole body/family is dysfunctional.
God give us men who don't abuse their position and who cover their families financially, spiritually, and will die for their family's protection.
Sincerely, Rhoni