The Uniqueness of Pentecost...
As I was preparing supper, the words of Bro. Urshan when introducing Bro. Jeff Arnold at BOTT years ago rang in my spirit, "The uniquesness of Pentecost..."
The elder was referring to Bro. A's verbiage and how we all don't need to sound the same to have our place.
As I pondered these words, "The uniqueness of Pentecost, " I thought of how true this many opinions and experiences.
Many of us have a long and trusted history in the Church, while others are the first and perhaps only members of their family Sanctified. And yet in this, none can claim superiority based on heritage...we are all equal in status, realizing it is not the way we start as much as how we end up that will count in the end.
We have such a diversity of conviction and approach to everything from dress to outreach to local church structure to goodness knows what. And yet we are part of the same Body of believers...called out and Sanctified unto Him.
I am grateful for the diversity. I have learned from your experiences and views and welcome them. And while some views may appear to be a trifle more whacky than another, whacky is in the eye of the beholder I suppose.
Our past expereinces weigh into this heavily, for I can only base my opinion on my experience. sets us apart from the norm in that the Church has always made room for it, at least in my humble opinion.
I rather like the uniqueness of you?!