Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
For the Church there is ONLY one God, even the Father.
For the Church there is ONLY one Lord, even Jesus.
If we can hold to that the truth of Oneness can come forth.
Apostle Thomas:
28: And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. John 20:28
If Jesus was Thomas's Lord he was also his God. Jesus was BOTH to Thomas.
And if he was God to Thomas he was God the Father. He shared a common Apostolic faith in Messiah.
Paul said to US there is One God even the Father. So if Jesus is God he is God the Father.
The answer to 1 Cor. 8:6 is that rather than separating the One God and the One Lord Paul is simply identifying the one who is both.
The Greek word KAI means EVEN as much as it means and.
When read in this manner the thought of 2 god beings vanishes.
"yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; EVEN one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are are all things, and through whom we live."
That goes right along with Hear O Israel The Lord our God is ONE.
I know you can shade it all to what you want it to say because it fits the separatation that the op position affirms.
I believe in one God, but I am not afraid of the fact that God is not a man, nor can He be contained with human definition.
Further I don't believe that God rejects the majority of confessing Christians today and thoughout history because they see and define the Godhead in a little different manner.
This is not God's purpose, he sent His Son into the world to seek and to save, not to hide the truth behind some difficult understanding of ALL that He is man has always divided and separated, Jesus calls sinners to faith and repentance and a changed life. JMHO