Originally Posted by mizpeh
Believer, Did you read my response to your initial post? I already answered your question Is the Son the Father in that post.
The same God who manifests himself as the Father also manifested himself as the Son.
I also said you are misapplying the terms, Father and Son, to different ways God has revealed himself (manifestations)
As for Isa 9:6, it says what is says and is very clear to me. The Son shall be called the Everlasting Father, the Mighty God. Please know that the Son is a human being, God with us. The Son is a different mode of existence of God. Here is my initial response in which I made a distinction between the manifestation of God as Father and as Son which you failed to acknowledge in your question to me:
It doesn't matter to me if someone disagrees with me whether it is a Trinitarian, or Oneness, or a pastor, or a theologian. If they can prove I'm wrong with scriptures then I'll concede to an incorrect understanding.
If I miss a post here and there I'm sorry. I have so many posts to read and respond to. I'm trying to stay away from the confrontational posts because I can get banned where a Oneness will not.
Now, concerning
Isaiah 9:6.
Do you believe that the Son is the Father?