Originally Posted by Believer
This is where you're wrong. The True Church is the believers, the same believers that were in the Reformations.
Where were the "believers" before Luther? Were they the followers of Roman Catholocism? Were the "believers" the Mary worshippers? Were the "believers" the ones who were infant baptized? Since there was no bible, and the priests gave their own interpretation, who was preaching and believing the real truth? Where were they before Luther?
Originally Posted by Believer
That may be true, but he still believe that God was Triune.
Who believed God was "triune" in the first two centuries of the church? Justin Martyr? Justin Martyr wasn't even a preacher. All he was was a Greek philosopher and apologist that tried to combine elements of Christianity with Greek philosophy. Where was the doctrine of the trinity fully developed and declared in the first two centuries of the church? If it wasn't there, then who were the believers then and what did they believe? Were they perhaps monarchian? If the first two century believers were monarchian, why isn't that good enough for all the believers throughout history?
Originally Posted by Believer
Now, its your turn to show me where the ONeness church was during this same period of time.
Groups of followers of Paul of Samosata, the Paulicians, Sabellians throughout the dark ages. etc. etc. etc.. history bears out that there were oneness people all along!