Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
If all you have is this statement about Denmark then WOW!!!! Surely expressing doubt is now akin to accusing someone of lying. Is it me but only men like Falwell, the Bishop of Cogic, and TBN and NCO crowd are susceptible to doubts ....
This issue is about friends and perceptions .... NO ONE HAS BEEN CALLED A LIAR .... generalizations about in this thread ... a true failure to compartmentalize ...
Once again ... I don't doubt this report but if we cannot express doubts here .... then we need to examine other threads where they have been expressed.
Keep your hill.
He is speaking of two men of God, one of them a member of this forum.
The character of these two men is being impugned.
Spin it all you want, but that is supposed to be against the rules.