Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Let me tell you why that can't happen.
1. If any denomination approached us about accepting our doctrinal beliefs we would immediately demand they assimilate into our organization. After all, if they now believe like us they should submit to our Apostolic authority - right?
2. If an entire denomination converted we would immediately have men howling that "they need to come into uniformity" with our holiness standards. These same men would wail because we "allowed darkness to mingle with light."
3. We do not have men willing to disciple at the level necessary to truly make a difference in an entire denomination's direction. We are too locally minded. A pastor's entire identity is tied to how successful "his" church is.
The "other Christians" accepting speaking in tongues and Baptism in Jesus name would do wonders for the UPC regardless of how much they agreed on other issues. It would force us to leave the milk bottle so many have as a steady diet.