An Honest Question... is is....
Could it be that Hollywood is so evil because it is the one area the church has refused to meet Satan on his own turf?
He is the prince of the power of the air.....
TV travels through the "air waves"......
IF we are truly the church that the gates cannot prevail against.......what are we REALLY afraid of?
Some will say.....But TBN has turned to hollywood in nature.
THIS IS TRUE!! TBN has not now nor will it ever represent the church of the Living God...
IT (TBN) is not Apostolic........So they went into the battle without the Holy Ghost with them to begin with.
BUT......IF we are the truth and WE are the church......why are we so afraid to go toe to toe with the enemy?
Seriously guys.....this has been tearing me up inside!
Are we trying to protect our traditions, our concepts our control of people....or are we just flat our afraid to go to the battlefield?
Some will say...."If we go on tv...we will lose our holiness".
I DISAGREE!.....IF tv makes some lose their "holiness", they never had it to begin with.
SOMETIMES a test is the only way to prove you have learned anything.
Remember....JESUS IS OUR HOLINESS....Our dress are standards of holiness that project an outward sign of an inward conversion.
I would dare say that if TV made you lose your never had Jesus in you to begin with and your outward holiness was pointless.
So.....since scripture says the "violent take it by force". why are we scared of the battle of the airwaves!
NO...its not the answer to all our outreach needs and no it will not win the world. But, I do feel it is a step towards the fullfilment of the great commision.
I say this...what if.....just if....the Apostolic Church was willing to go toe to toe with hollywood?
What would happen....
One of two things...either it would prove us to be fakes.....OR it would cause SATAN to lose grip on his kingdom and it would remind him that NOT even the prince of the air stands a chance against the KING OF IT ALL!!!!!!!
Just some thoughts from my private prayer time I thought I would share.
Bro. Dan