Originally Posted by RevDWW
I should not be celebrating any ones fall. In an earlier post I jokingly said "Alimony Cometh" and now regret joking about someones personal troubles. (Maybe a little bit of conviction is good for me)
Would that they'd repent and get a right relationship to Jesus and each other.
I need to remind myself who the real enemy is and it's not Trinitarians or wayward Pentecostal preachers or backsliding Saints or Too Strict Standard bearers or too loosey goosey Greasy Gracers.
My biggest enemy is my own flesh and then the Father of all lies.
Yes I understand the law of the harvest, and what happens when someone thinks they can stand in their own strength and wisdom.
I know this that if I fall or faulter, I'd not want all you you to gloat over my foolishness........
It's easy to love the loveable, but I'm called to love all, even the unloveable, as Jesus loved us.
Love covers a multitude of sin!!!
Amen wonderfully said. Did I tell you that you and your wife look so great in the avatar?
I wish more Brothers and Sisters would show their families in their avatars.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence