Originally Posted by BreakingFree
Good post. And you're right. Anything can be used for evil or for good. An act itself may not be sinful, but the intention behind the act can be. (Obviously this is not a case with every act) There is too much ado about nothing worrying about who is going where, who is wearing what, who is watching this and who is listening to that. No amount of control is ever going to change someone. That has to come from God. But you can certainly do whatever you can to help young people find him. I am NOT saying we should not instruct our kids and I am NOT saying we should just let them do anything. I just want to clear that up before I get jumped on. Again, I say, not just because you are my friend, but because I truly see it, you are an excellent youth leader. Your youth, compared to others in this area, are down to earth, HAPPY, polite and fun loving. Oh, and normal. LOL. I heard you preach, and your delivery was so practical and made so much sense. There was not an ounce of judgment in your message. It was a message to help people get back on track, yes, but it was not a message of judgment but one of encouragement. By the way, I forgot to tell you guys that HO's son talked to me in the parking lot. What a pleasant young man.
The youth are totally normal, and those girls do nothing but talk! LOL! But I love them, and I'm blessed that they see me as a mom figure in their lives. I never expected that when first meeting them.
As for Zak, he is my social butterfly. He likes to meet people and talk. I visited a church near Detroit in March, and a large church at that (about 700 people there) and when it was time to leave, I couldn't find him. I asked my friend if she'd seen him and she pointed to the front of the church, and there was Zak with two or three other young men talking as if they'd known each other for years.
I have no idea where he gets that from..........